Presentation Information

[17p-A25-7][JSAP-Optica Joint Symposia Invited Talk] Two-Dimensional Broadband Silicon Optical Beam Scanning Device for Free-Space Optical Communication

〇Yuki Atsumi1, Tomoya Yoshida1, Ryosuke Matsumoto1, Ryotaro Konoike1, Kazuhiro Ikeda1, Takashi Inoue1, Keijiro Suzuki1 (1.AIST)
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silicon photonics

Silicon photonics-based beam scanning technology is expected to be introduced into short-distance free-space optical (FSO) communication applications such as inter/intra rack communications in data centers and indoor mobile communications in beyond-5G mobile communications.In this report, we present our recent work about a broadband two-dimensional (2D) Si beam scanning device that integrates 128-port three-dimensionally-structured optical surface couplers.


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