Presentation Information

[17p-A31-5][JSAP-Optica Joint Symposia Invited Talk] A microresonator frequency comb as a low phase-noise terahertz-wave oscillator

〇Tomohiro Tetsumoto1 (1.NICT)
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Optical frequency comb,Integrated photonics,Terahertz-wave photonics

Optical frequency combs have been essential tools in fields such as metrology and spectroscopy. Traditionally, these combs are generated using bulky mode-locked lasers, which are primarily employed in scientific laboratories due to their complexity and size. However, advancements in microresonator fabrication technologies have enabled the generation of optical frequency combs in a more compact manner. These microcomb have opened up various potential civilian applications, including the generation of low phase-noise millimeter- and terahertz-waves. Generating radio waves in this frequency range is achievable by detecting a microcomb with an ultrafast photodiode. In recent years, there has been significant research interest in implementing these generation systems in a compact form and with ultralow phase noise levels. In this talk, I will present research background, general methods and recent our activities related to low phase-noise terahertz-wave generation using microcombs.


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