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[17p-A35-5]Advancements in High-Resolution Detector Development for High Energy Instrumentation for Space Telescopes

〇Irfan Kuvvetli1,2,3, Selina Howalt Owe1,2,3, Carl Budtz-Joergensen1,2,3 (1.DTU Space,Technical Univ. of Denmark, 2.Department of Space Research and Technology, 3.Astrophysics and Atmospheric Physics)
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3D CZT drift strip detector,Digitized pulse shape analysis,Gamma imaging detectors,X-ray detectors and telescopes,MeV Space instrumentation,Medical imaging,Molecular Breast Imaging

What do medical imaging and astronomy have in common? Both fields can benefit from advanced sensor technology. When observing MeV-band (0.1-100 MeV) radiation from celestial sources, challenges include low flux, limited interaction probability, multiple energy loss processes, and high background radiation. Current MeV-band observatories suffer from poor sensitivity, necessitating new detector technology for improvement. The DTU Space detector group has developed a 3D CdZnTe drift strip detector, showing potential for Low Dose Molecular Breast Imaging (LD-MBI) in breast cancer diagnosis. Our novel large-area 3D CZT drift strip detectors (4 × 4 × 0.5 cm³), developed with Kromek, offer <0.6 mm spatial resolution and <7% FWHM at 122 keV, <1.4% FWHM at 661.6 keV, and 1% FWHM above 1460 keV. Supported by ESA, EU, and national funding, DTU Space has enhanced high-resolution spectral-imaging semiconductor detector technologies. These advancements enable Compton imaging, interaction type identification, and radiation type characterization. AI-powered readout systems and ANN-based signal processing achieve near-real-time output, applicable to medical imaging and security. This talk will overview these advanced radiation detection and measurement technologies from DTU Space, highlighting their impact on high-energy astronomy.


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