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[17p-B1-11]Exploration of novel oxide/nitride crystal structures of narrow band phosphors
by deep learning generative model

〇Masaya Abe1, Hiromitsu Takaba2, Masaya Miyagawa2 (1.Kogakuin Univ., 2.Dept of Env. Chem&Chem.Eng.,Kogakuin Unv.)
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machine learning,phosphor

Recently, narrow band phosphors have been developed and are expected to be applied in the display field because of their excellent luminescence with a small emission bandwidth at half-width and high purity. However, the number of narrowband phosphors developed is limited, and it takes a great deal of effort and time to develop new phosphors through trial-and-error experiments. Therefore, in this study, we attempted to search for narrowband fluorophores by learning from a crystal structure database by constructing a generative model with an ingenious method for calculating crystal structure features.


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