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[17p-B1-2]Improvement of Carrier Concentration of As-doped BaSi2 Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy

〇(M1)Nurfauzi Abdillah1, Yuka Fukaya1, Kaoru Toko1, Takashi Suemasu1 (1.Univ. of Tsukuba)
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semiconducting sillicides,Semiconductor doping

Barium disilicide (BaSi2) is one of the suitable materials for thin film solar cells due to its electrical and optical properties. Currently, one of the challenges in realizing the high performing BaSi2 homojunction solar cells is the fabrication of high-quality n-type BaSi2 layer. Previously, the fabrication and improvements of its photoresponsivity of n-type As-doped BaSi2 thin film has been demonstrated grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) using GaAs as the source of arsenic doping. However, the carrier concentration is not well controlled. In our latest experiments, the activation ratio of doped arsenic atoms is quite low, approximately around 5 – 10%. In this study, we try to optimize the growth condition, mainly the Ba-to-Si deposition rate ratio (RBa/RSi) is increased in hope to increase more silicon vacancy (VSi) for arsenic to occupy.


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