Presentation Information

[17p-C31-20]Fabrication of a 400-µm-length Pt/Parylene Microtube Device for Electrical, Pharmacological, and Optical Neural Interface

〇(M1C)Nerchan Alvian Rexy1, Kenta Tomita1, Sayaki Shimizu1, Koji Yamashita1, Rika Numano1, Kowa Koida1, Takeshi Kawano1 (1.Toyohashi Tech.)
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Minimally invasive microtube device,Optogenetics,Multifunctional Neural Interface

Conventional invasive-type devices used in optogenetics have large diameters (width) of tens to hundreds of micrometers at the invasive part, causing tissue damage that affects recording. In this study, we fabricated and evaluated a multifunctional microtubule device that can simultaneously perform electrical, pharmacological, and optical measurements while reducing tissue damage. This presentation will focus on the fabrication of the device.


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