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[17p-C31-7]Methods to Generate Multiphase Non-overlapping Clock Signal for Switching Circuits in Integrated Microelectronic Devices

〇(DC)Reyhan Ramadhan1, Yasufumi Yokoshiki2, Takashi Tokuda1 (1.Tokyo Tech, 2.Aoyama Gakuin Univ.)
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circuit design,non-overlap clock generator,microelectronic devices

Non-overlap clock generator is an important building block in many power conversion circuits, such as switch-capacitor DC-DC converters (SC-DCC). Switching circuits use non-overlapping clock signal to prevent shoot-through current during phase transition, which causes power dissipation and degrades efficiency.
We present two methods to generate non-overlapping clock signal in CMOS. The circuit is designed for a recently-proposed SC-DCC for wireless biomedical devices, which uses a three-phase signal for optimum operation.


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