Presentation Information

[18a-A32-9]Polarization of nuclear spins in the diamond quantum system
under arbitrary magnetic fields

〇Eikichi Kimura1, Junghyun Lee2, Keigo Arai1 (1.Tokyo Tech, 2.KIST)
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NV center,diamond,quantum

The NV centers in diamond have been developed as qubits that can be operated at room temperature. The fidelity of the entangled state of the defect’s pair is reported to be 96.0 % in 2024. However, to further improve the fidelity to a level where error correction is possible, it is necessary to polarize the nitrogen nuclear spins in the defects. To this end, we theoretically and experimentally demonstrated a new method to polarize the nitrogen nuclear spins in the defects oriented in an arbitrary orientation with respect to a steady magnetic field.


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