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[18a-A36-6]Design of Thin-film Narrowband Retroreflector for Oblique Incidence of Diverging Wave

〇Keisuke Sakatani1, Yuya Yamanishi1, Keisuke Ozawa1, Junichi Inoue1, Syogo Ura1 (1.Kyoto Inst. Tech)
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grating,retroreflector,guided Mode Resonance

A combination of a SOA (semiconductor optical amplifier) and a narrowband focusing retroreflector will serve as an ultracompact wavelength-stabilized external-cavity laser and be attractive in constructing a compact multi-wavelength light source for coarse wavelength division multiplexing of short-reach optical interconnects. A focusing cavity-resonator-integrated guided-mode resonance filter (F-CRIGF) was proposed and demonstrated as the retroreflector for a diverging incident wave with an optical axis vertical to the surface of the F-CRIGF. On the other hand, a diverging wave emitted from a typical SOA has an optical axis tilted from the normal of the end face of the SOA. An F-CRIGF for an oblique diverging wave is discussed. The coupling strength was varied by grating fill factors of the FGC and buffer layer thickness. Its distribution was optimized to maximize the retro-reflectance. As a result, the maximum retro-reflectance was 63%.


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