Presentation Information

[18a-P02-2]Frequency synchronization of a regenerative amplifier and an optical frequency comb for extending measurement time in optical pump and probe experiment

〇(M2)Riku Shibata1, Shun Fujii1, Shinichi Watanabe1 (1.Keio Univ.)
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optical frequency comb,regenerative amplifier,Asynchronous Optical Sampling (ASOPS)

In the asynchronous optical sampling method (ASOPS) using two mode-locked lasers, we have developed a technique to extend the measurement time range by employing an optical frequency comb and a regenerative amplifier. As a preliminary experiment, we successfully achieved frequency synchronization between the optical frequency comb and the regenerative amplifier by using one of the dual optical frequency combs as the seed light for the regenerative amplifier. In the presentation, we will also report on efforts related to ASOPS measurements utilizing this experimental system.


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