Presentation Information

[18a-P03-1]Nonlinear Interferometer Using Non-colinear Simultaneous Parametric Down-Conversion for Broadband Quantum Infrared Spectroscopy

〇Haruya Hirota1, Hojo Masayuki1, Tanaka Koichiro1 (1.Kyoto Univ.)
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correlated photon pairs,nonlinear interference,infrared

Quantum Infrared Spectroscopy (QIRS) utilizing quantum interference of photon pairs generated by spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC) is expected to overcome the limitations of detection sensitivity in the infrared region. Additionally, the process of simultaneous SPDC (s-SPDC), where SPDC photon pairs are phase-matched simultaneously, enables the generation of broadband mid-infrared light. In this study, we observed quantum interference signals through non-collinear s-SPDC. In the presentation, we will report the details of the interference waveforms and other experimental results.


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