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[18a-P03-6]【Absence】A Comparative Study of Many-Body Interaction Models Using Two-dimensional Coherent Spectroscopy Simulations

〇(DC)Pradeep Kumar1, Bhaskar De1, Rishabh Tripathi1, Rohan Singh1 (1.Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Bhopal 462066, India)
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Many-Body Interactions effect,Coherent optical response,Two-dimensional Coherent Spectroscopy

The coherent optical response of semiconductor nanostructures is significantly influenced by many-body interactions (MBIs), such as exciton-exciton interactions, crucial for scalable quantum information processing. MBIs impact the coherence-decay dynamics of excitonic transitions, investigated using nonlinear techniques like four-wave mixing (FWM) and two-dimensional coherent spectroscopy (2DCS). While theoretical models explain MBIs, they are computationally challenging. Phenomenological models like modified optical Bloch equations (MOBEs) and anharmonic oscillator (AO) models provide a more accessible understanding. MOBEs treat excitons as two-level systems, modifying dephasing rates and resonance frequencies to account for MBIs. AO models treat interacting excitons as composite bosons, introducing anharmonicity. Using a perturbative approach, nonlinear signals are derived from OBEs for a three-level anharmonic ladder system. We demonstrate the equivalence between these models through 2DCS simulations, finding consistent spectral line shapes and validating them against experimental results, aiding the development of quantum dot lasers and TMDCs-based valleytronics devices.


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