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[18a-P05-22]Suppression of plasmon quenching effects in 20 μm diameter organic/metal thin film whispering gallery mode resonators

〇(M2)Minami Takaishi1, Tokuji Yokomatsu2, Kazusuke Maenaka2, Takeshi Komino1 (1.Grad Sch. Sci., Univ. Hyogo., 2.Grad Sch. Eng., Univ. Hyogo.)
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whispering gallery mode,surface plasmon,microresonator

Amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) was successfully observed in 20-µm-diameter whispering gallery mode resonators fabricated from a organic emission layer and a 10-nm-thick Al or Ag layer. Since exciton quenching in the vicinity of metal thin films is generally unavoidable, this result demonstrates that the resonator structure can suppress the quenching effect of plasmon on ASE.


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