Presentation Information

[18a-P05-23]Photoluminescence amplification by propagating surface plasmon in whispering gallery mode resonators fabricated from ogranic/metal thin films

〇Seina Miyamoto1, Kazuki Imada2, Tokuji Yokomatsu3, Kazusuke Maenaka3, Takeshi Komino2 (1.Sci., Univ Hyogo., 2.Grad. Sch. Sci., Univ Hyogo., 3.Grad. Sch. Eng., Univ Hyogo.)
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microresonator,surface plasmon,whispering gallery mode

We fabricated whispering gallery mode (WGM) resonators by depositing a thin metal film (Ag or Al), a spacer layer (CBP), and a photoluminescent layer (Terfluorene), in that order, on a microdisk structure fabricated on a glass substrate surface using photolithography. The thickness of the metal thin film was less than 10 nm. We measured the emission spectra using this WGM resonator. In our presentation, we will discuss whether the long-range propagation mode of surface plasmons makes photoluminescence amplification effects.


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