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[18a-P05-26]Resonant photoexcitation of polariton condensation at room temperature in a CsPbBr3 microcavity

〇Taiki Ogura1, Takaya Inukai1, Daichi Okada1, Shun Takahashi1, Kenichi Yamashita1 (1.Kyoto Inst. Technol)
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polariton,condensation,Resonant photoexcitation

Cavity polaritons, which are a hybrid state of light and matter, can induce Bose-Einstein condensation (polariton condensation) at relatively high temperatures. CsPbBr3 is a promising active layer material for forming cavity polaritons, but there have been few investigations under resonant photoexcitation on polariton dispersion curves, which are useful for clarifying the details of the condensation mechanism. In this study, we have confirmed the occurrence of polariton condensation under resonant photoexcitation in a CsPbBr3 microcavity.


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