Presentation Information

[18p-B5-14]Evaluation of a 150 GHz Josephson Array Oscillator Using Balanced SIS Mixers

〇Yosuke Murayama1, Akira Kawakami2, Yoshinori Uzawa1,3, Wenlei Shan1,3, Kazumasa Makise1,3,4, Sho Masui1, Takafumi Kojima1,3, Akihira Miyachi1, Ezaki Shohei1 (1.NAOJ, 2.NICT, 3.SOKENDAI, 4.AIST)
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Josephson oscillator,Millimeter wavelength oscillator,Amplifier

We are developing a low-noise, low-power microwave amplifier using SIS mixers. As a candidate for the local oscillator (LO) source to pump SIS mixers, we are considering a Josephson oscillator. In this study, we fabricated a 150 GHz Josephson array oscillator and conducted its characterization using balanced SIS mixers. We measured the I-V curve and noise performance, confirming that it provides sufficient LO power to pump SIS mixers and has a low LO noise temperature. In the presentation, we will report these details along with the results of the linewidth evaluation.


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