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[18p-C32-12]Study on the molecular orientation of electrospinning piezoelectric PLLA nanofiber for use as pressure sensor

〇(P)QI KANG1, Hiroaki Takehara1,2, Takanori Ichiki1,2 (1.Tokyo Univ., 2.iCONM)
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wearable pressure sensor,piezoelectricity,biodegradable polymer

Great attention has been focused on the wearable pressure sensor for continuous monitoring of human health state. One possible alternative for the wearable device is piezoelectric material which can generate electrical charge in response to mechanical stress and vice versa. Currently, most used piezoelectric materials are inorganic materials with inflexibility and have limited application on body surfaces. In contrast, flexible piezoelectric polymer poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) is expected to replace inorganic piezoelectric materials [2]. However, its piezoelectric mechanism has not been fully clarified. In this study, piezoelectric nanofiber films were prepared by electrospinning to develop a sensor that can constantly monitor a patient. The molecular orientation of nanofiber was investigated to understand the piezoelectric response mechanism. The piezoelectric properties were investigated.


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