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[18p-D61-6]Nonreciprocal transport in FeSe superconducting thin films

〇(M2)Mio Hashimoto1, Tomoki Kobayashi1, Tomoyuki Yokouchi1, Takako Konoike2, Shinya Uji2, Atsutaka Maeda1, Yuki Shiomi1 (1.The Univ. of Tokyo, 2.NIMS)
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superconductor,nonreciprocal transport,thin films

Nonreciprocal transport is one of the diode effects where current flows easily in one direction but not the other. It requires both inversion and time-reversal symmetry breaking within a crystal. This effect has been observed in several superconducting materials. However, it is desired to study this effect in simpler structures for practical applications. In this study, we report nonreciprocal transport in FeSe thin films below the superconducting transition temperature despite the fact that the crystal structure of FeSe possesses inversion symmetry.


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