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[18p-P02-30]Modification of band alignment of Zn1-xSnxO alloy buffer/Cu(In,Ga)Se2 for high- efficiency Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cell

〇(P)CheukKaiGary Kwok1, Genchi Inohana1, Yuta Sato1, Muhammad Monirul Islam1, Takeaki Sakurai1 (1.Tsukuba Univ.)
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Cu(In,Ga)Se2,Zinc-Tin-oxide,optoelectronic properties

In this work, we explore the optoelectronic properties of Zn1-xSnxO alloys with varying composition x in parallel with optimization of their growth conditions and post-annealing treatment. In particular, Zn1-xSnxO films were first grown by room temperature RF co-sputtering on both Si and glass substrate using ceramic ZnO and SnO2 targets, where the Sn content x is controlled by adjusting the sputter power of each target. Annealing at elevated temperatures is also performed to study the improvement on film crystallinity and conductivity. We found that all as-grown films are amorphous/nanocrystalline, but Zn-rich and Sn-rich films crystallize into wurtzite ZnO and rutile SnO2 phase, respectively, after 300oC annealing in N2 for 1h, while films with mid-compositions of 0.15<x<0.55 remain amorphous even after annealing at 500oC. Nevertheless, a low n-type resistivity in the order of low 10-2 W-cm can be achieved for the film with 0.3<x<0.4. This is possibly ascribed to the formation of energetically favorable complex donor defects near the conduction band edge (CBE). Moreover, a high transparency of ~90% with a wide transmission window of >2500 nm is achieved for all films, while the bandgap varies from 3.7 eV to 3.1 eV with a small positive bowing, as confirmed by spectroscopic ellipsometry measurement. Since this bandgap variation is mainly due to the shift in CBE as measured and obtained by UV photoelectron spectroscopy and synchrotron x-ray spectroscopy at KeK, we expect that the valence band edge can also be tuned due to p-type nature of SnO. With the modification of CBE, the band offset of buffer to our CIGSe absorber can be alternated from type II to type I, so that the interfacial recombination can be diminished.


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