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[19a-A25-3]High-Harmonic Anomalous Hall Responses in 2D Weyl Semimetals

〇(P)Arqum Hashmi1, Mizuki Tani2, Kazuhiro Yabana3, Tomohito Otobe2, Kenichi L. Ishikawa1 (1.The Univ. Tokyo, 2.KPSI, QST, 3.Univ. of Tsukuba)
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Weyl Semimetal,TDDFT,HHG

The strong field optical response of the time-reversal pair of Weyl nodes in bilayer WTe2 is explored by using TDDFT. The calculated results show changes in carrier dynamics with varying applied field strength, unveiling intriguing dynamics in two distinct regimes. In the perturbative limit, characterized by weaker field, the even-order Hall Harmonics induced by the interband Berry curvature produces yields comparable to corresponding odd-order longitudinal responses. High harmonics exhibit almost the same energy cutoffs for both longitudinal and Hall harmonics in the non-perturbative regime. The anomalous Hall responses are purely attributed to the interband processes in both perturbative and nonperturbative regimes, highlighting the importance of frequency dependence and interband transitions in nonlinear Hall responses. Our comprehensive investigation paves the way for a deeper understanding of nonlinear phenomena in Weyl systems.


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