Presentation Information

[19a-A33-10]Performance of Thermoelectric Device loaded with Ag Nanoparticle Electrode

〇(M2)Hidezumi Tamehiro1, Wakana Kubo1 (1.Tokyo Univ. of Agri. Technol.)
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metamaterial,Thermoelectric elements,Ag nanoparticles

The effect of Ag NPs on thermoelectric properties was discussed by evaluating the thermoelectric characteristics when laser light matching the plasmon resonance wavelength of silver nanoparticles was irradiated. By using silver nanoparticles, which absorb light and generate heat, the temperature difference in thermoelectric devices can be increased, enabling higher output. In this presentation, we fabricated thermoelectric conversion devices using silver nanoparticles as electrodes and hypothesized that the absorption characteristics of silver nanoparticles could improve the thermoelectric properties of the devices.


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