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[19a-A33-5]OAM optical waveguides created by loading metal nanostructures

〇Ryuji Kuruma1,3, Masato Takiguchi2,3, Peter Haidt3, Yuto Moritake1, Masaya Notomi1,2,3 (1.Tokyo Tech, 2.NTT NPC, 3.NTT BRL)
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Optical OAM,Non-hermite,Waveguide structure

In our previous work, we demonstrated that by placing metal nanopillars near a GaN polygonal hollow nanowire structure and applying complex modulation to break the mirror symmetry, it is possible to generate modes with orbital angular momentum (OAM). This time, using this principle, we conducted an analysis on a square waveguide structure that can be fabricated using integrated photonics technology, with the intention of applying it to waveguides. As a result, we found that even in square waveguide structures, it is possible to form modes with OAM. In the presentation, we will also introduce the fabrication methods and experimental plans.


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