Presentation Information
[19a-A41-4]Physical Reservoir Computing Utilizing Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Ions, Electrons, and Spins
〇Takashi Tsuchiya1, Wataru Namiki1, Daiki Nishioka1, Yoshitaka Shingaya1, Kazuya Terabe1 (1.NIMS)
reservoir computing,ionics,neuromorphic computing
Recently, physical reservoir computing (PRC), which utilizes the non-linear response of materials and devices to inputs as a computational resource, has attracted much attention, and research and development of a wide variety of materials and devices is underway. In this talk, I will introduce our PRCs using the spatio-temporal dynamics of various information carriers such as ions, electrons, and spins in materials and devices in micro-regions such as surfaces and interfaces.
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