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[19a-P02-7]Ammonia Gas Analysis in Breath Using Hollow-Optical Fiber Gas Cell and Mid-Infrared Quantum Cascade Laser

〇Keishi Kamada1, Saiko Kino1, Yuji Matsuura1 (1.Tohoku Univ.)
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Mid-infrared spectroscopy,hollow optical fiber,breath analysis

Ammonia in breath is a biomarker that reflects the state of liver and kidney function.
In this report, we used a measurement system consisting of a distributed feedback quantum cascade laser (DFB-QCL) and a hollow optical fiber gas cell to detect trace amounts of ammonia gas in breath using mid-infrared spectroscopy. We report on the results of an attempt to accurately quantify the ammonia concentration in breath by releasing and collecting ammonia adsorbed to soda lime used in the dehydration process.


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