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[19a-P03-2]【Absence】Characterization of Micro-Rod Nd,Ce:YAG Solar-Pumped Lasers

〇Yukiko Suzuki1, Yohei Toriumi1, Madoka Takahashi1, Kazuo Hasegawa2, Tomoyoshi Motohiro2,3 (1.NTT Space Environment and Energy Laboratories, 2.GPI, 3.Nagoya Univ.)
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laser,next-generation energy,solar-pumped laser

Nd, Ce: YAG, in which Ce3+ element is added as a sensitizer to sunlight, has recently attracted attention as a medium for solar-pumped lasers, which can convert sunlight into laser light with high efficiency. In this study, Nd, Ce: YAG single crystal medium of the microrod type which expected high heat radiation was produced, and the characteristic was evaluated. The appearance of the luminescence which indicated the effect of Ce3+ was observed from the fluorescence matrix. An oscillation experiment was carried out by focusing the sun using a parabolic mirror, and compared with the conventional Nd, Cr: YAG medium, it was confirmed that the oscillation was equivalent to or better than the conventional one.


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