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[19a-P03-3]Continuous phase-shifting interferometry using an optical vortex as a reference beam: Application to coherent beam combining

〇Haik Chosrowjan1, Seiji Taniguchi1, Noriaki Miyanaga1, Kouichi Hamamoto2 (1.ILT, 2.MHI)
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coherent beam combining,optical vortex,phase shifting interferometry

A single-shot phase-shifting interferometry method is proposed and demonstrated. The key feature of the technique is using an optical vortex as a reference beam. To our knowledge, this is the first report using an optical vortex in single-shot phase-shifting interferometry. Based on the proposed technique, as proof of the principle, 2-beam coherent beam combining (CBC) for both tiled- and filled-aperture designs, with 95% combining efficiency has been implemented. Important characteristics of the phase-shifting interferometry, such as a unique solution to the phase difference within the -90o to 90o range and robustness against the intensity fluctuations/imbalance between the reference and the test beams that are advantageous for the CBC, have been investigated.


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