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[19a-P03-5]Dual-wavelength injection-locked nanosecond pulsed laser with a broadly wavelength-selecting capability

〇Sayako Miyoshi1, Ayaka Hashimoto1, Sota Kobayashi1, Chiaki Ohae1,2, Masayuki Katsuragawa1,2 (1.Univ. of Electro-Comms, Dep. of Engineering Science, 2.Univ. of Electro-Comms, Inst. for Advanced Science)
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The injection-locked laser is a laser system that combines the characteristics of both high power and high-frequency purity. The use of Ti: Sapphire crystals with a wide gain bandwidth as the laser medium also enables tunability over a wide wavelength range. The system is based on single wavelength operation but can be extended to simultaneous operation at multiple wavelengths. We have achieved dual-wavelength simultaneous operation in both the CW and nanosecond pulse regime. In this paper, we report on the method of expanding the combination of dual wavelengths and the details of technological development to ensure stable operation of the system over a long period of time.


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