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[19a-P04-6]Integration of three electrodes for flexible electrochemical sensors by femtosecond laser direct writing

〇(B)Shoto Mashiko1, Hirokazu Komatsu1, Shoma Sato1, Ilya Tumkin2, Andreas Ostendorf2, Mizue Mizoshiri1 (1.Nagaoka Univ. of Tech., 2.Ruhr Univ. Bochum)
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CuO nanoparticle ink,Femtosecond laser direct reductive sintering,glucose

Three electrodes: Cupper-based working electrode, carbon-based counter electrode, and Ag/AgCl reference electrode were integrated on polyethylene naphthalate (PEN) for non-enzymatic glucose sensor by using femtosecond laser direct writing. The Cu-based electrode was fabricated by femtosecond laser reductive sintering of CuO nanoparticles. The counter and wires were carbonized of PEN substrate film using femtosecond laser-pulse induced carbonization. The reference was formed by printing of Ag/AgCl paste. The cyclic voltammograms of Cu-based and carbon-based electrodes exhibited that only Cu-based electrode was oxidized by D-glucose. These results suggest that the integrated sensor written directly on the substrate is expected to be used for flexible sensors.


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