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[19a-P05-2]Resonant Tunnelling Diodes THz Oscillator: above room temperature characterization

〇Alka Singh1, Yosuke Nishida1, Bezhko Mikhail1, Kazuisao Tsuruda1 (1.Rohm Co., Ltd.)
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Terahertz,Resonant Tunneling Diode,THz generation

Resonant Tunnelling Diodes (RTDs) are one of the most promising candidates for compact THz oscillator. To evaluate safe operating temperature of RTD devices, temperature dependence of oscillation characteristics needs to be investigated. However, there has not been many reports on the temperature characteristics of RTD oscillators except one1. M. Asada et. al reported temperature characteristics of RTD oscillator for the first time in 2017. However, those results primarily focuses on the temperature below 300 K.
Consequently, considering the practical application of RTD oscillator, we report here the temperature characteristics at and above the room temperature along with measurement approach to ensure the better resolution.
[1] M. Asada, et. al., AIP Advances 7, 115226 (2017)


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