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[19a-P06-2]Nonreciprocal Devices with Si Guiding Layer Fabricated by Supersonic Free-Jet PVD

〇(M2)Yuki Tamaki1, Hideki Yokoi1 (1.Shibaura Inst.)
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Optical Waveguide,Optical Isolator

Optical isolators, which are optical nonreciprocal elements, are essential for stabilizing the oscillation of semiconductor lasers in optical communications. Magnetic garnet (Ce:YIG), which has small absorption losses in the near-infrared region and a large magneto-optical effect, is used for optical isolators. Optical isolators that utilize the nonreciprocal phase shift effect operate with one polarization and do not require phase matching, making it easy to control the applied magnetic field. In this study, we formed a Ce:YIG film on a Si waveguide using the SFJ-PVD method and investigated the configuration of a magneto-optical waveguide.


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