Presentation Information

[19a-P06-3]Magnetic-optical cavities for Biochemical Sensing Applications

〇(M2)Jiaxiang Liu1, Yukiko Yasukawa1, Haruki Yamane2 (1.Chiba Inst. Tech., 2.Akita Ind. Tech. Center)
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magnetic stacked film,magneto-optical cavity,polar Kerr effect

Magneto-optical (MO) interference effects in MO cavities consisting of magnetic stacked films were theoretically analyzed for chemical and biological sensing applications. The sharp and large MO responses at the resonance wavelength were corresponded with the experimental results by taking account of the fluctuation of the measurement system in the simulations. In addition, we demonstrated that the MO cavities highly sensitive to the change in environmental refractivity at the film surface. The refractive resolution, which is seven times higher than that of conventional plasmon sensors, will be useful for the high-sensitivity sensing applications.


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