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[19a-P08-6]Revisable Tuning of Tamm Plasmon Polaritons

〇(D)MingJyun Ye1,3, Satoshi Ishii3, Kuo-Ping Chen2 (1.College of Photonics, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung Unv., Taiwan, 2.Institute of Photonics Technologies, National Tsing Hua Univ. , Taiwan, 3.Research Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics (MANA), NIMS, Japan)
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Phase-change materials (PCMs),Sb2S3,Tamm Plasmon Polaritons

Phase-change materials (PCMs) provide a specific combination of properties. The binary semiconducting chalcogenide Sb2S3 is consider one of the promising candidates, especially its intrinsic high refractive index, low loss and wide bandgap properties, in near infrared (NIR). Here, the Sb2S3 transformation from amorphous to crystal state embedded between the distribute Bragg reflector (DBR) and metal layer. At the interface between DBR and metal layer in specific parameter, Phase-change Tamm plasmon–polariton (PC-TPP) resonance could be produce. The PC-TPP resonance has a 70 nm modulation wavelength. Also, the resonance achieves around 100 nm-shifted in NIR at the proper incident angle.


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