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[19p-A25-8]Monitoring small polarons and phase transitions through ultrafast Infrared spectroscopy.

〇(P)Gael Emilien Privault1,3,2, Marius Herve1,2, Nicolas Godin1,2, Roman Bertoni1,2, Shintaro Akagi3, Jacek Kubicki4, Masaki Hada3, Hiroko Tokoro2,3, Shin-ichi Ohkoshi2,5, Maciej Lorenc1,2, Eric Collet1,2,6 (1.Rennes Inst., 2.DYNACOM IRL 2015, 3.Tsukuba Univ., 4.Poznan Univ., 5.Tokyo Univ., 6.IUF)
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Controlling the phase of molecular materials at room temperature through ultra-short light irradiation, is a promising field for photonic devices. We studied the RbMnFe compound which exhibit a photoinduced inter-metallic charge-transfer phase transition and a wide thermal hysteresis centered at room temperature. The use of a streaming methodology enables us to study the out-of-equilibrium dynamics of non-reversible phenomena. Moreover, we combined this method with a femtosecond Infrared experiment, as this system phase transition involves a symmetry breaking and a volume change. This local probe allowed us to distinguish different fluence regimes, to monitor the appearance of small photo-induced charge transfer polarons and to highlight persistent phase transitions. This worked was performed with the financial support of the Agence Nationale de la Recherche, ANR-19-CE30-0004 ELECTROPHONE, ANR- 19-CE07-0027 SMAC, ANR-19-CE29-0018 MULTICROSS, as also Region Bretagne (ARED PHONONIC).


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