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[19p-A32-8]Fabrication and optical nonlinearity measurement of high-Q photonic crystal nanofiber cavities

〇Tomofumi Tanaka1, Owen Mao1, Takao Aoki1 (1.Waseda Univ.)
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nanophotonic resonator,photonic crystal,nonlinear optics

High Q optical microcavities are important in nonlinear optical devices and cavity quantum electrodynamics (cavity QED) systems.We have developed a high Q optical nanofiber cavity by combining a fiber Bragg grating and optical nanofiber and applied it to cavity QED.On the other hand, 1D photonic crystal cavities on optical nanofibers (ONF-PhC cavities) achieved a small mode volume, but the Q was only about 106.In this study, we fabricated an ONF-PhC cavity with a Q exceeding 107 and measured its nonlinear optical response.


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