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[19p-A34-16]Design and fabrication of transmissive metasurface for 300-GHz-band beamforming in Beyond 5G wireless networks

〇Adam Pander1, Daisuke Kitayama1, Hibiki Kagami1, Hiroyuki Takahashi1 (1.NTT Device Technology Labs , NTT Corporation)
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metamaterials,wireless communication,sub-terahertz

In this work, to cope with various demands for the radio coverage extension in Beyond5G wireless communication, multilayer metasurfaces with radius size-controllable transmission phase variation are experimentally realized. The design, fabrication, and experimental results are discussed for various devices at 300-GHz-band. The beamforming characteristics are obtained and the data transmission rates measured, showing the highest rate for beamforming metasurface of over 70 Gbps.


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