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[19p-C43-3]Green Skyrmion fiber laser

〇(P)Srinivasa Rao Allam1,2,3, Yuto Yoneda1, R. Kerriddge-Johns William4, Yasushi Fujimoto5, Takashige Omatsu1,2 (1.GSE, Chiba Univ., 2.MCRC, Chiba Univ., 3.IAAR, Chiba Univ., 4.Univ. Southampton, 5.Chiba Inst. Tech.)
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Optical Skyrmions,Skyrmion laser source,Vector beams

Optical skyrmions are topologically stable quasiparticles with variegated polarization textures, formed by the mixture of quantized spin and orbital angular momentum. In this paper, we report on the direct generation of green (523 nm) optical skyrmions from a diode-pumped Pr3+ ions doped water-proof fluoro-aluminate glass (WPFG) fiber laser with an intracavity WPSI dual output coupler configuration.


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