Presentation Information

[20a-A41-1][INVITED] Nanodiamond Quantum Sensors in Biological Measurement: Material Design, Control, and Applications

〇Ryuji Igarashi1,2,3,4 (1.QST, 2.Tokyo Tech, 3.Chiba Univ., 4.Tohoku Univ.)
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Nitrogen-Vacancy centers (NV centers),Optically detected magnetic resonance,Quantum Life Science

In this presentation, I will introduce the design and applications of nanodiamond quantum sensors for understanding biological systems. First, I will present the basic structure of nanodiamond quantum sensors and illustrate the sensor design and surface functional group control for measuring specific biological events. I will also demonstrate how these nanodiamond quantum sensors are applied in biological measurements with specific examples. In particular, I will focus on real-time measurements in intracellular microenvironments and highly sensitive detection of biomarker molecules.


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