Presentation Information

[20a-C301-3]High harmonic generation in a liquid water jet with a MIR pulse pre-excited by an intense near infrared pulse

〇Tomoya Mizuno1, Tianqi Yang1, Takayuki Kurihara1, Teruto Kanai1, Jiro Itatani1 (1.ISSP, Univ. of Tokyo)
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Liquid HHG

We study high harmonic generation (HHG) in liquid water pre-heated by an intense near infrared (NIR) field. The HHG is induced by a mid-IR (MIR) pulse, and the spectra are measured as a function of the time delay between NIR and MIR. We obtained the delay time dependent HHG spectra. Below the plasma emission threshold of MIR intensity, the HHG yields are enhanced by the NIR irradiation, while above the threshold the yields are suppressed. In this talk, we will discuss effect of plasma in liquid water on the HHG.


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