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[20a-C302-5]Rapid Densification of Polysilazane Coated Films Achieving Record-High Moisture Barrier Performance Using High-Power VUV Irradiation

〇He Sun1, Luyang Song1, Yoshiyuki Suzuri1 (1.Yamagata Univ.)
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moisture barrier,VUV irradiation,PHPS densification

The commercial viability of organic electronics highly depends on achieving long lifetimes. The instability of organic materials in the presence of oxygen and water vapor is a significant challenge. This study enhances the moisture barrier properties of PHPS-coated films using VUV irradiation. We examine the effects of VUV light intensities (103 to 309 mW/cm2) on film densification and WVTR performance. At 103 mW/cm2, films showed moderate densification and reduced WVTR, indicating some improvement. At 309 mW/cm2, films achieved rapid and significant densification, with record-low WVTR values of 1.6x10-5 g/m2/day in 19.4 s per layer and 3.8x10-5 g/m2/day in 9.7 s. This rapid densification is due to accelerated Si-N bond formation, reducing free volume and increasing density. Optimizing VUV irradiation intensity is key for high-performance barrier films. This study enables efficient large-scale production of superior barrier films, essential for perovskite solar cells.


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