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[20a-D61-5]Large Magnetoresistance and High Spin-Transfer Torque Efficiency of Co2MnxFe1-xGe (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) Heusler Alloy Thin Films Obtained by High-Throughput Compositional Optimization Using Combinatorially Sputtered Composition-Gradient Film

〇(PC)Vineet Barwal1, Hirofumi Suto1, Ryo Toyama1, Taisuke Sasaki1, Yuya Sakuraba1 (1.NIMS)
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Combinatorial Sputtering,Magnetoresistance,Spin Transfer Torque Efficiency

Half-metallic ferromagnetic Heusler alloys having high spin polarization have been studied for their potential spintronic applications. For certain applications such as current-perpendicular-to-plane giant magnetoresistnace (CPP-GMR) read heads, achieving low process temperature, typically below 350°C, is crucial. Moreover, composition tuning is an important factor to enhance the properties of the Heusler systems, and we developed an experimental method for detailed high-throughput composition optimization using combinatorially sputtered composition-gradient film. In this study, we apply the developed method to Co2MnxFe1-xGe (0≤x≤1){CMFG} and report high-performance CPP-GMR properties obtained at lower process temperature.The method combined composition-gradient films and local measurements to enable the detailed composition variation from Co2MnxFe1-xGe to be studied on a single library sample and achieved the drastic increase in the throughput. Through this method, the record high MR ratio ~ 35% and 45% was achieved at relatively low annealing temperature of 250°C and 350°C, respectively. In addition, high STT efficiency ~ 0.6 was demonstrated. The results highlight the potentiality of Co2MnxFe1-xGe and provide comprehensive guidance on the composition optimization to obtain large MR ratio and high STT efficiency in the CPP-GMR devices at lower process temperature.


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