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[20a-D62-2]Ultrasonographic visualization of heavy ion particle track in water

〇MASANORI KOBAYASHI1, Osamu Okudaira1, Naoya Shikazono2, Kazuhiro Terasawa3, Satoshi Kodaira4, Nagaya Okada5 (1.CIT, PERC, 2.QST-KPSI, 3.Keio Univ., 4.QST-NIRS, 5.Honda Electronics Co., Ltd.)
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ultrasonic,particle irradiation

In this study, experiments have been performed to elucidate the mechanism of the phenomenon visualised by ultrasonograph (ultrasonic echo imaging) when heavy particle beams are irradiated in water. The experiments were carried out at HIMAC, QST-NIRS, using Fe500 MeV/n. In this talk, the experimental results obtained so far will be reported and the discussion towards elucidating the mechanism will be deepened.


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