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[20a-P01-18]Capillary fluid exchange system for infrared spectroscopy

〇Sho Kato1, Masaya Sugimoto1, Hiyori Uehara2, Sigeki Tokita3, Kenji Goya1 (1.Akita Prefectural Univ, 2.NIFS, 3.Kyoto Univ)
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Absorption spectroscopy,Capillary Flow

We are developing a monitoring system for gases and liquids using infrared absorption spectroscopy. We propose a liquid exchange system that uses capillary action to (1) dispense a liquid sample, (2) hold the sample in a sample cell, (3) discharge the sample, and (4) easily clean the inside of the cell. The experimental results confirmed that spectroscopic measurement is possible by allowing the sample to flow into and be held in the sample cell. It was also confirmed that the inflow sample can be removed from the edge of the window using absorbent paper.


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