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[20a-P04-2]Dynamics of cardiac fibroblasts on a 3D substrate

〇(B)Tomone Iwama1, Hiromu Kuwabara1, Arata Nagai1, Yuuta Moriyama1,2, Toshiyuki Mitsui1 (1.Aogaku Univ., 2.PRESTO, JST)
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cardiac muscle cells

Recent advancements in organoid research have emphasized the importance of cell culture on 3D structured substrates. Microfabrication technologies derived from semiconductor processes were applied to create the 3D structure. In this study, we cultured cardio fibroblasts and exhibit migration on 2D substrates, and analyzed their dynamics. The 3D structure was created using PDMS as a pattern transfer material to construct rectangular grooves with a depth of 45 μm. Fibroblast cells were then confined and cultured within the grooves, and their motions were observed over 48h.


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