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[20p-A21-8]Robotic Mechanochemical Reaction Control by Compressive and Shear Stresses

〇Yusaku Nakajima1,2, Kai Kawasaki1,2, Yasuo Takeichi1,2, Hasashi Hamaya3, Yoshitaka Ushiku3, Kanta Ono1,2 (1.Osaka Univ., 2.SRN-OTRI Osaka Univ., 3.OMRON SINIC X)
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Mechanochemical synthesis, which advances chemical reactions through mechanical energy, has attracted attention. However, there has been little consideration, particularly from a mechanical perspective. This study investigated how compressive and shear stresses during grinding affect mechanochemical reactions. Experimental results showed different reaction pathways when the grinding speed was varied. It is believed that changing the grinding speed affected the ratio of shear stress to compressive stress, thus influencing the reactions.


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