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[20p-A34-2]Plasmonic modes in a terahertz bandpass filter with a Babinet complementary metal mesh structure

〇(M1)Takuto Matsuki1, Masahiro Ueda1, Soto Wada1, Takumi Oie1, Yuta Watanabe1, Yoshinori Shomitsu3, Toyoaki Suzuki2, Takehiko Wada4, Toshihiro Nakaoka1 (1.Sophia Univ., 2.ISAS/JAXA, 3.QUP/KEK, 4.NAOJ)
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Band-pass filter,Metal mesh,Photonic band structure

We have investigated Si-based Babinet-complementary metal mesh filters as robust optical bandpass filters for space telescopes operating in the terahertz band. The main transmission mechanism of this filter is Fabry-Perot resonance due to the half-mirrors of the Au inductive and capacitive grids. In this paper, we report plasmonic modes localized in the upper and lower mirrors, respectively, which were observed in addition to the Fabry-Perot modes.


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