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[20p-A41-2]Using the standard deviation for robust quantum sensing

〇Ernst David Herbschleb1, So Chigusa2,3, Riku Kawase1, Hiroyuki Kawashima1, Masashi Hazumi4,5,6,7,8, Kazunori Nakayama9,4, Norikazu Mizuochi1,10,4 (1.Kyoto Univ., 2.UC Berkeley, 3.LBNL, 4.QUP/KEK, 5.IPNS, 6.JAXA/ISAS, 7.Kavli IPMU/WPI, 8.SOKENDAI, 9.Tohoku Univ., 10.CSRN)
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Quantum sensing,Nitrogen vacancy centre,Standard deviation

Various periodic signals can be detected with different techniques, for example low- and high-frequency signals. However, when there are facets of randomness about the signal, e.g. a changing phase, such methods become less sensitive, as long measurements average the signal to zero. Here, we propose and analyse a robust technique to detect the amplitude of these signals. Instead of measuring the amplitude in a conventional way, we measure a statistic, here the standard deviation. This method is robust against changes in phase and frequency. We analyse and simulate the technique in detail, and we perform an example measurement with a nitrogen-vacancy centre. We envisage that our method has potential for the detection of light dark matter, and for mineral search under harsh conditions.


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