Presentation Information

[CS11-17]Efficiency and Advancement Examination of Long-span Bridge Maintenance and Management through Integration of BIM/CIM and Tablet Devices.

*Takeshi Sugiyama1, kazunori yamaguchi1, haruhiko kono1, hisatsugu tsuda2, hosoya masashi 2, koji konno3, kenta takahashi3, hiroki moriyama3, yoshiaki mizokami4, ryohei gotou4, kazuya soto4 (1. Honshu-Shikoku Bridge Expressway Company , 2. IHI Infrastructure Systems Company Limited, 3. Informatix Inc., 4. Honshi-Expressway Bridge Engineering Company Limited)


BIM/CIM,3D model,Long span bridge,maintenace,tablet computer,Mixed reality

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