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[CS11-57]Classification of laser hammering sound data using anomaly detection method

*Hiroshi Shimbo1, Noboru Hasegawa2, Hikaru Nakamura3, Satoshi Tomoto4, Katsuya Sakamoto5, Toshiaki Mizobuchi6, Tomoko Ozeki7, Jun-ichiro Nojima8 (1. RETEC Engineering Inc., 2. National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology, 3. Nagoya University, 4. CTI Engineering Co.,Ltd., 5. Photon-Labo, 6. Hosei University, 7. Tokai University, 8. J-POWER Design Co., Ltd)
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Hammering Test,Laser Hammering Sound,Anomaly Detection,Wavelet Transform,CNN,Mahalanobis' Distance

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