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[II-137]Erosion Resistance of “River Levees with EnduranceAgainst Overtopping” using Fabric Formwork Method(2)

*Yasushi Kawagishi1, Yoshinori Yokoyama1, Masao Kato1, Daigo Ishii2, Yasuhiro Nabeshima2, Kinya Tsugawa3, Ryusei Kabasawa3, Takeharu Konami4, Toru Sekiyama4, Hirotoshi Mori5 (1. Taiyo Kogyo Corporation, 2. Asahi Kasei Advance Corporation, 3. Daika Industries CO.,Ltd, 4. OKASANLIVIC.CO.,LTD, 5. YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY)


River Levees with Endurance,Overtopping,Fabric Form Method forOvertopping,Fabic Form

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