Presentation Information

[IV-138]Road traffic management efforts through collaboration with related organizations - Verification of the effectiveness of traffic congestion countermeasures during the tourist season after the opening of Yoichi IC -

*Yoshiyuki Sensui1, Makoto Kaneko1, Risa Endou1, Chihiro Shinada1, Yuki Sakanoue2, Yoko Ono3, Yuji Shitaya2 (1. Pacific Consultants Co., LTD., 2. Otaru Development and Construction Department,Hokkaido Regional Development Bureau, MLIT, 3. Muroran Development and Construction Department,Hokkaido Regional Development Bureau, MLIT)


Congestion mitigation measures,Road traffic management,Cooperation with related organizations,Traffic countermeasure,Verification of effect,Route analysis

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